Monday, May 18, 2015


A recent story in Adelaide regarding slippery road pavers in Victoria Square and Hindley Street raises some very serious issues.

Who in their right mind from Adelaide City Council would go 'shopping' and decide on a paver that is slippery when wet?  We wouldn't do it around our homes so why is it ok for Governments on any level to display this level of incompetence?

Surely, the first question asked when they had samples would have been "How slippery are they when they are wet"?  Nobody in Council seems to have asked this very basic question.

Now, the footage shown on news bulletins of a near miss involving an AdelaideMetro bus, raises even more concerns.  The full footage shows a near miss with a four wheeled drive who had cut into the lane and thus significantly reduced the buses stopping distance on a very slippery road surface.  This was not highlighted by anyone, not even the TWU.  Well not in the media anyway.

Motorists not understanding the dangers of reducing the stopping distances of heavy vehicles is very common and it is purely the skill and professionalism of truck and bus drivers that prevents many more serious accidents, however creates a near miss where 99% go unnoticed.

Getting back to these ridiculously slippery pavers, what about those people (like myself) who ride a motorbike or scooter or cyclists?  Many roads are slippery enough as it is in wet weather let alone a poor choice of road base adding to it.

Victoria Square and Hindley Street should be closed to all traffic until these pavers are replaced and as a matter of urgency. 

That's my view.  Until next time keep safe.

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